Research about ‘Plant bioacoustics’ and image test

This time, I wanted to do a plant/flower themed project modelled on the sound visuals of U2. This is because the theme of my research is to awaken people's senses through multi-sensory jewellery design, to better feel the tiny things in life that are often overlooked. We usually only appreciate plants through our eyes, but in fact, scientific research has shown that plants emit acoustic signals and also react to external sounds. However, since the sounds they emit are very soft, it is difficult for us humans to hear them. Therefore, I would like to understand plants from another perspective by visualising sound so that we can also feel the sound of plants.

After researching, I found the following information:

‘Plants emit audio acoustic emissions between 10–240 Hz as well as ultrasonic acoustic emissions (UAE) within 20–300 kHz. Evidence for plant mechanosensory abilities are shown when roots are subjected to unidirectional 220 Hz sound and subsequently grow in the direction of the vibration source.


It has been hypothesized that the flower serves as the “ear” which contains mechanoreceptors on the plasma membranes of the cells to detect mechanical vibration...Petal velocity was shown in response to a honey bee and moth sound signal as well as low frequency feedbacks, but not high frequency feedbacks.’

I collected some flower images and tried to process them in the sound frequency interval of 10-240 Hz using the sound visualisation image system that I worked on at U2. After experimenting with it I think the visualisation works well.


Overall styling concept


Ceramic Test 1