Sound & Water Test 3:In A Park

I tried to use sound visualisation to recreate a life scene. Since the park contains many kinds of sounds, I chose the park scene for testing. I took some pictures inside the park and recorded them. I intercepted the sounds in the recordings that corresponded to the pictures I took and played them on the stereo so that the vibrations of the sounds created water waves and distorted the pictures.

In order to make the vibration of the water more visible, this time I changed to a bigger stereo and will try to use a silicone water basin.

However, after some experimentation I realised that the vibrations from these softer sounds inside the park were still relatively subtle, which resulted in a distortion of the image that wasn't obvious.

After this experiment I realised that even after changing the sound and the container for the water, those more subtle sounds still didn't provoke a noticeable water wave. So in my next attempts, I need to look into exactly what kind of sounds are produced by larger vibrations and move my project forward within that context.




Thinking in stage