Sound & Water Test 4:Frequency and loudness of sound
In this experiment, I tried out the effects that vibrations of different frequencies of sound have on water. The loudness of my stereo has a maximum limit of around 80 dB, and at this loudness I found that at a Hertz of 85, the water began to ripple noticeably and remained noticeable for the next section of the area, before the degree of undulation of the water waves diminished at around 200-300 HZ.
As I gradually turned down the volume of the stereo, the water waves became more and more subtle. From this, it can be found that the amplitude of the sound vibration and the loudness of the sound are directly related, and the vibration of the sound in a certain frequency interval can provoke more obvious water waves, in order to achieve a good visual effect, I need to choose the sound in this frequency interval.