Sound & Water Test 2
Because of the efficiency of metal in propagating vibrations, I used a metal disc this time for the sound water wave test.
I first played different kinds of sounds using a stereo and watched how the water waves reacted. However, I found that the water waves didn't seem to be noticeable at normal volumes, and that it took a loud and more urgent sound to provoke the water waves.
I then stuck a picture on the bottom of the metal disc and observed how the image distorted when the sound provoked the water waves. I found that when the water was not very deep, the image was not distorted, and the farther away from the image the lens formed by the water was, the more distorted the image was.
This suggests that if I were to make a lens directly out of water, I would need to elevate it with a transparent material and distance it from the image. And, I need to find ways to increase the amplitude of the sound to make the water waves look more pronounced.